Martins Panelmasters Ferntree Gully provides a high quality repair service and can assist you from start to finish with your claim. We are a recommended repairer for major insurance companies; we can assist you with making your claim and also liaise with them directly.
We will handle all your repairs so you don’t need any added stress that may come with having an accident.
Our employees are chosen for their expertise in the smash repair industry to ensure we can focus on getting you back on the road in the shortest possible timeframe.
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No matter how careful you are, unless you’re standing guard over your car 24/7, you’re going to end up with some dents and dings at some point, whether it’s an accident, a careless parking spot neighbour, a stray shopping trolley, or hail!
Martins Panelmasters Ferntree Gully
Contact us now to book your servicePRIVATE WORK
If you need private work, for whatever reason, our team of experts will help you with a quote for the cost of work, and once approved, will get your vehicle back in shape quickly and efficiently.
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When your chassis is out of alignment (usually from an accident) it can cause myriad performance issues and represents a huge safety hazard. If you’re unlucky enough to be in a second accident with an already damaged chassis, the results could be disastrous.
Martins Panelmasters Ferntree Gully are equipped with the best in the business: a Car-O-Liner chassis alignment system. Our expert technicians use the system to return your vehicle to its original factory specifications.
Contact us now to book your serviceSPIES HECKER PAINT SYSTEM
Panelmasters Ferntree Gully uses Spies Hecker water based paints, so that we can provide you with the richest, most vibrant colours, without harming the environment.
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Loan cars are available and must be booked in prior to repairs. A charge does apply of $25 per day, contact us for more details.
Contact us now to book your serviceTOWING
If your car requires a tow we can arrange for your car to be towed from the accident scene (through accident allocation) to our repair shop at no cost to yourself. You must provide us with your insurance details and a claim number. We will arrange everything with the towing company so you don’t need to worry.
Contact us now to book your service